Godaan (The Gift of a Cow) is a gripping tale of the economic and social plight of villagers in the 1920s India. This saga of unremitting suffering and struggle focuses on a typical peasant, Hori, in a village that is far from an agricultural idyll. Entangled in a web of debt and social obligations, Hori longs to own a cow and the downward slide of the family begins. And that fills the novel with a poignancy and a defiance to which readers through the decades have responded. This study, based on the definitive translation of the novel by Gordon C. Roadarmel, providers the historical and social background to the text, analyses it and attempts to answer a number of critical and textual problems for the benefit of our university students. Shakti Batra has been Vice-principal, Dyal Singh College (University of Delhi), has also taught at the Kabul University and the University of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek.

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