This volume deals with a History of Mughal and Modern India. Though number of books are available on this period, these books are deficient to the extent that they deal with the political history alone and neglect the social, economic and cultural aspects of the life of people during this period. In this volume the author has tried to provide a detailed study of the political history of the period as well as the social, economic and cultural aspects of life. This would enable the readers to acquire a full view of the history of the period. The study of History has assumed great significance in the post-independence period. A number of studies were undertaken to re-write the History of Modern India with a view to remove the falacies of the European Scholars. However, in their over enthusiasm the Indian scholars also fell prey to the same evil. They tried to give a nationalist tinge to the historical events and thereby produced biased works. A true history is a record of the events and developments in an unbiased manner. This volume tries to deal with the History of India from 1526 A.D. to Present Times in an unbiased manner, avoiding the two extreme views and steering through a balanced approach. In writing this, the author has consulted the various standard works available on the subject and tried to present the works available on the subject and tried to present the facts in concise and lucid form. The book has primarily been designed to meet the requirements of the students of history studying for B.A. (Hons.)/ M.A. and various competitive examinations. The author is confident that the book shall be found rewarding by them. Extensive foot-notes have been provided throughout the book which can be utilised by more serious students and teachers to reach the original sources.

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