Nirad C. Chaudhari's oeuvre provides a magisterial appraisal of the histories and cultures of India, especially in the context of British colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries. He is best known for his Autobiography of an Unknown Indian, published in 1951. It records his life from his birth in 1897 and relates his mental and intellectual development, his life and growth in Calcutta, his observations on vanishing landmarks and the historical forces that were making the exit of the British from India an imminent affair. The present critical study provides a comprehensive summary and analysis of the voluminous text, followed by specific textual and critical problems arising therefrom. Shakti Batra has been Vice-Principal, Dyal Singh College (University of Delhi). He has also taught at the Kabul University and the International university of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek as well as students from the Tibetan Public Service Commission, Dharamsala, and Kiynshu University, Japan.

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