Vijay Tendulkar Ghashiram Kotwal Shakti Batra Along with Mohan Rakesh, Badal Sircar and Girish Karnad, Vijay Tendulkar has pioneered modern Indian theatre. A leading contemporary playwright, screen and television writer, literary essayist, political journalist and social commentator, Tendulkar has been the most influential dramatist and theatre personality for over five decades. His plays have been translated into English and many Indian languages, and staged to applause and acclaim the world over. His landmark play, Ghashiram Kotwal is about power perse, and the violence which is its native medium of expression. It had the Pro-Brahmin brigade up in arms but which Tendulkar claimed, kept the focus, like in his other plays, on human frailties that change people overnight. A brilliant political violence, it has had a phenomenal run of over 6,000 shows since 1972. The present critical study examines and analyses the play from the point of view of Tendulkar’s dramaturgy his social concerns and characterization so as to bring it closer to students in our universities. Shakti Batra has been Vice-Principal, Dyal Singh College (University of Delhi), has also taught at the Kabul University and the University of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek.

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