Richard Sheridan The School for Scandal : Shakti Batra In The School for Scandal, his masterpiece, Richard Sheridan depicts the story of the rivalry of two brothers-Charles Surface and Joseph Surface– for the hand of Maria, a rich heiress, and also for the favour of their rich uncle, Sir Oliver Surface who is supposed to be in the East at the time the play opens. With this story of the two brothers in mingled the story of the domestic life and conjugal discord of Sir Peter Teazle and Lady Teazle. These two stories are developed against the background of the scandal-mongering carried on by lady Sneerwell, a rich lady, and her like-minded friends, Joseph Surface, the elder of the two brothers being one of them. This critical study, originally prepared by Dr. Raghukul Tilak, has been thoroughly revised, edited and updated by Prof. Shakti Batra.

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