The Power and The Glory has been proclaimed as Graham Greene’s masterpiece. It is based upon less than two months spent in Mexico in March and April of 1938, including five weeks of gruelling, solitary travel in the southern provinces of Tabsco and Chiapas. The name less whisky priest blends seamlessly with his tropical, crooked, anti-clearical Maxico during a vicious persecution of the clergy when he is on the run from the police. The present critical study examines and analyses Greene’s “only novel written to a thesis” and seeks to make it more accessible to students in our universities and abroad from the examination point of view. Shakti Batra has been Vice-Principal, Dyal Singh College (University of Delhi). He has also taught at the Kabul University and the International university of Kyrgyzstan,, Bishkek as well as students from the Tibetan Public Service Commission, Dharamsala, and Kiyushu University, Japan.

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