Nobel laureate Tagore’s acclaimed novel, The Home And The World, is set against the backdrop of the swadeshi movement in Bengal in the early twentieth century. It is both a triangular love story and a novel of political awakening. Even after nearly a century and six decades of India’s Independence, Anita Desai finds it ‘‘so astonishingly relevant’’. William Rothenstein called it ‘‘a masterpiece of simple and uncompromising statement’’ with its two main characters - Bimala and Sandip – Bordering on the grey. The greatest empathy is, of course, reserved for the Tolstoyan hero, Nikhil, a wealthy landowner who is altruistic, benevolent, rational and westernised in his ideas. The novel is a dramatisation of the tension between Nikhil and ‘‘The West Kingston Babu’’ Sandip, representing the clash between the old and the new, realism and idealism, the means and the end, good and evil. The present critical study examines the complex narrative from the individual as well as the nationalistic perspective for the benefit of students in our universities and abroad. The extent which this effort has been successful depends on how useful this venture is to you from the examination point of view. Shakti Batra has been Vice-Principal, Dyal Singh College (University of Delhi). He has also taught at the Kabul University and the International university of Kyrgyzstan,, Bishkek as well as students from the Tibetan Public Service Commission, Dharamsala, and Kiyushu University, Japan.

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